Life Ki Aisi Ki Taisi (2017) is a bold, quirky, and lighthearted comedy film that explores the ups and downs of life through the eyes of a group of friends. Directed by Ashwani Dhir, the movie brings to life a series of comedic events that show how life can often take unexpected turns.
The story revolves around a young man named Avinash, who is struggling with the challenges of his personal and professional life. Alongside his friends, he faces hilarious and difficult situations that force him to question his choices, relationships, and his perception of life. The film explores themes of friendship, love, ambition, and the everyday struggles of modern life.
With a mix of humor and reality, Life Ki Aisi Ki Taisi uses relatable situations to create a film that appeals to anyone who’s ever felt overwhelmed by life’s unpredictability. The performances from the cast, including actors like Amol Parashar and the lively dialogues, add to the charm and fun of the film.
The movie, though light-hearted, carries an underlying message about embracing life’s challenges and finding humor even in the most difficult of times.
- Language: Hindi
- Quality: 1080p HD
- Genre: Comedy, Drama
For a fun-filled ride through life’s chaos with laughter and lessons, Life Ki Aisi Ki Taisi (2017) is definitely worth a watch.