Friends Season 7, marking the beginning of what would become one of the most beloved sitcoms of all time. Created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, the series follows a group of six friends living in New York City as they navigate life, relationships, and career struggles. Set primarily in their apartments and the iconic Central Perk café, Friends brought laughter, heart, and an irresistible sense of camaraderie that captivated audiences worldwide.

The ensemble cast of Jennifer Aniston (Rachel Green), Courteney Cox (Monica Geller), Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe Buffay), Matt LeBlanc (Joey Tribbiani), Matthew Perry (Chandler Bing), and David Schwimmer (Ross Geller) quickly became household names, with their characters becoming pop culture icons. Season 1 introduces the core group and sets the stage for the friendships, romantic entanglements, and comedic moments that would define the series for a decade.

Plot Summary

In Season 1, viewers are introduced to the six central characters:

  • Rachel Green, a former rich girl who, in the pilot episode, leaves her fiancé at the altar and moves in with her high school friend Monica, hoping to start a new independent life.
  • Monica Geller, a chef who is caring but obsessive about cleanliness and control.
  • Ross Geller, Monica’s older brother, a paleontologist going through a painful divorce after discovering his wife is a lesbian.
  • Chandler Bing, Ross’s college roommate, who works in a boring office job and uses humor as a defense mechanism.
  • Joey Tribbiani, a struggling actor with a big heart but not the brightest mind.
  • Phoebe Buffay, a quirky and eccentric masseuse with a strange but lovable worldview.

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